Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Intimate Relationship Between the Internet and History Book

Sitting quietly indoors while the harsh wind blows away outdoors,
I type type type away on the computer,
on the internet,

How I wish the weather was sweet and silent
enough to venture

But instead, the harsh wind blows away

So I type type type away
about history.

I am now blogging a sonnet
about history,
and my poem sucks.

My creativity is sucked from the mind
from the brain
from the soul.

It is sucked away
and trapped
into a tiny glass box.

My imagination
crammed into a
tiny glass box
wanting to escape
but every little
nook and cranny
is stuffed
with embossed toilet paper.


I've been blogging so much each day,
It almost made William Shakespeare say,
"To blog or not to blog?"
As time jumps as high as a frog,
I post comments on each article,
Which talks about Einstein's atomic particle.
The darkness of history saddens me,
As I write articles of people dying frequently.

history AnD blogging

Blogging is so cool!
We get to share our thoughts
about the ways of the world.
Like in history, we get to
think about the past in our own way
and share it with everyone else.

Blogging helps us in many ways
and shows us to be more open
it encourages us to be ourselves
It gives us a chance to express
ideas of history in a whole new way :)

Blogging on the Blogging site, Blogger

Today we blog on a blogging site
We blog about history on a blogging site
It is very fun to blog on a blogging site
I like blogging on a blogging site
All men and women like to blog on a blogging site
Even old people like to blog on a blogging site
To blog blogging stuff on a blogging site
About history which we blog on a blogging site
It is awesome to be blogging on a blogging site


Blogging is the best
Especially afterwords when you have history quests
In blogging you write whats mostly on your mind
It never really deals with rhymes
This is the most funniest task writing down information really fast
I hope you see why i think blogging is the best
Because its the greatest adventure Ive experienced yet

Watching, waiting, BOOM

In our history class, blogging has been our new thing.
Connections of technology anf history
have let our imaginations take flight.
Watching....Writing.........Waiting............ Thinking.
Anticipating what to write next.
What to do..............What to write...
...fingers fly over the keyboard.........
Suddenly, you're finished.

Mr. G's Soliloquy

To blog or not to blog,
that is the question.
Whether to suffer the tests and quizzes of outrageous skill,
or to take arms against a board of keys,
And by opposing, type.
To read, then to type.
By typing, to end our troubles;
of reading and straining for tests.
To blog or not to blog.
THAT is the question.

History and Blogging Poem!

In History class
we read aloud
absorbing information
and I am proud
Write, Write, Write........
Erase, Erase, Erase.......
Type, Type, Type..........
Back space, Back space, Back space......
With all the new information,
we must go blog,
for the whole world must see,
what we are capable of
Click, Click, Click......
Tap, Tap, Tap.........
is what you hear
in the media lab!

soory left my poem at home


people like blogging.
but really,why should I too?
sure it can be fun,
but it can make you feel blue
the same thing with history
not that great at all,
so many facts and dates,
can you remember them all?
but, like blogging, it has its pros,
all these things you get to know.
but people still like blogging.
and History too...
But seriously, what can you do?

A normal day in history...

Sitting at the computer
thinking about what to write
opening the history book
any random page
what to write, what to write
eyes moving rapidly across the page
fingers anticipating, twitching over the keyboard
an idea sparks the mind
hands fly across the keys...

My thoughts of history and blog

Oh, with the screen
shining bright, and
the words speaking info,
we are on Blogger, expressing
our thoughts. Once we click "Post"
we are able to interact
with the world.

When we open our book,
a magical spell enthralls us.
History of Asia, Rome, and Mesopotamia
float around us like a cloud.
Once we open that book, we are able to connect to
the past.

A Blogging Tanka Poem

Blogging is so fun ,

we get to show our knowledge ,

and share with the world .

To express our great wisdom ,

we get to use our blogging .

Blogging & History

As we turn on our computers in the room so bright
With our pencils, papers, and some books clutched tight
We type in "Student" as our user
Because I don't think there's anything newer

But everyone's excited for the next event
After all the information on the computer's been sent
It is time to blog, and everyone smiles
Because we might be here for a while

First we type up our essays, with pictures and such
Because our teacher cares about the content very much
We love to type, since we love these computers
As we tap on the keys and click on our cursors

In the room, I could hear talking and laughs
But not too loud, since we don't like the teacher's wrath
This period is all about history
But too much typing might make my fingers blistery

History, it's full of facts about the past
And information that in hundreds of years, could just last
We all learn new things every morning in class
But for test, um... I think I'll just pass

All these dates and typing is making me dizzy
But our teacher loves to keep us busy
Oh well, that's the reason why
the time in here goes by and by

So there you have it, class in a shell
But what's to learn next? Who could tell?
Or the next blogging, we can never know
But hey! Time to blog, so I gotta go!

*The Clash of the Bloggers and HIstorians- G for General Audiences*

The Clash of the Bloggers and Historians
G for General Audiences
Like the diamond and scrap metal
are worth differently,
Blogging online and history
are two unlike things.
Stereotypical blogging on
Life's problems and answers,
Just for fun and relief
To blow off steam.
But blogging on history
takes the experience to a whole new level
and makes us excel in our
knowledge of the past, which is not too exciting.
To me, history is worth much more
then blogging from technology
because history can tell us
How blogging was made.
But wait! Now blogging
can tell us about history, too.

- Sunny Kim a.k.a. ohjeenguh <:]{=

P.S. This is not really a sonnet....It's supposed to be...

History Blogging Adventure

Typing miles of paragraphs

Once every few days,

Posting our ideas and thoughts on history

and a gazillion essays,

Applying the PESTE, or STEEP, analysis

While writing about historical events,

Uploading tons of detailed photos

And posting supportive comments,

Improving our knowledge and writing skills

In a very fun and exciting way,

This is what we do in our wonderful n' adventurous...

Blog! :D

Hip Hip Hooray!

(P.S. I don't know how to change the line spacing.)


Typing and typing
About history

About life in the past
In Italy, in Asia,
In Africa, in Rome.

Typing and typing
The rise and fall
Of empires and kingdoms
The typing of hardship,
Of conflict.

Typing and typing
In a blog
Til the class's end.
Typing and typing
Right now until the year's end.

-mn -_-

The ~AMAZING~ Blogger

Oh to the blogging,
where we put our works up there,
We express ourselves.
It goes back to history,
where we learn and read.
Reading and learning,
then putting it up online.
We sometimes strain ourselves.
But it dont matter to Mr.G
He just threatens us with more work.
Though he adores us.
But in the end, we all win.

-Jennifer Poh


Oh woe to me,
I have Mr. G for history.
With blogging back,
If he'd give us some slack,
then we'll see what we lack...

And with that we should,
Or at the very least we could,
Do some or more good,
Instead of staying a bud.

And our grades will raise,
We'll receive some praise,
As we look through history's,
timeless faze.

Power of Blog

O' how the power of blog,
Has made our brain clogged.
Although, some are off topic,
It makes the teacher really sick.

The writers are upset,
But the teacher and students will just...fret!
If you think that was bad,
They made the writer very sad.

The writer comes back,
With an article of history.
But, the writer still lacks.

The class discuss,
And all are doing nothing but fuss.
Although, the class has not noticed,
That this was history in the making.

Blogging Rocks!

Every day in the morning, we start with history
We have no idea what we'll learn because it's a mystery
While learing about past
We're all having a blast
About history, you make us write
Once we're done, we become so brigt
We then all blog it
Some right a lot while other write a little bit
After we're done
We ended with a whole bunch of fun!

Blogging Fever......History-Mystery

Blogging is so cool
It makes you want to go to school
With all the learning about history
It's always a mystery
It's best to learn history from Whitney

History has never been the same
When you're blogging about it, you'll never have shame
Blogging is the best way to help people learn
And doing your best when it is your turn
You should always be excited to blog about history

Poem 'bout history 'n bloggin.

Reading our book
‘bout dudes maybe called Duke,
Who can remember
The dude that said surrender?
Not me, not I, not us
Even though we must,
Please, please oh please
We can’t read about someone overseas!
So then we read
Though we plead
Later on we’ll type away
This is what we do each and every day!!

By: Katy Bollas
<(“)…hahaha it’s a bird face…haha

History, consisted in

the books of many all

children, also the kin

waiting at the school hall

Events from the past

some with tragedies

making it their last

some other with comedy

All heroes must die

some even go flee

all the villians lie

some even plea

with that knowledge

consumed inside of

us, we will not be on edge

when it comes to stuff

With something so big

so important in our

world, more than a pig

it acts like a great power

We don't want to

keep this in the smog

across far we go

to go start our blog

The Beautiful Poem of Blogging by Don Lee :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Oh how fun it is to blog
I would choose this over a reading log
Instead of something else to work on
and learning about the great king Sean
I would choose blogging over the world
If my cat knew how much I blogged, she would've curled
It was kind of boring the first time
I wouldn't have given a dime
But we did it over and over
I would've gone crazy for blogging for sure
Oh how blogging can enlighten one's mind
Everyday I see my cat's teeth grind
I can deal with that
I'll just give that cat a mat
but nothing shall come between me and blogs
not even puppy dogs.

History....Learn with Misery....or Learn Joyfully

Every morning of school we walk to second period
We type and type about history
And hope homework won't bring us misery
Boredom will not last
Even when learning of the past
Our class won't blend in the ordinary fog
Because we learn with writing blogs

Is Yu-Gi-Oh even fun?

History can't be awesome

without blogging on BLOGGER.COM

Because it is a bomb

To see others thoughts and comments

about the Silk Road and Marco Polo

who traveled on the Silk Roads (Oh! Did you Know?)

History and blogging go well together


Blogging is cool

OMG ^-^

Just like a Yu-gi-oh Duel!!!

n the end, Blogging is cool..... JK

A Sonnet That Would Make Shakespeare Proud.... ?

Oh the fascination of the world's past

Learning of those before us

And yet the thought that frequently comes to mind

To learn of people now than people centuries ago

Blogging merged today with then

Utilizing the present to learn of the past

Our mind works as we analyze history into relation of society today

We read, we think, we type

Screens brimming with the information of our world

Briding "now" with "ago"

Learning of history as we type away

And oh the fascination of the world's past


The Creation

Oh, without the creation of this program
what would we do?
This creation of that
helped us learn and analyze
information from the past,
and helped us open up our imagination
to compare and contrast
the past with today,
helping us create discussion
about we'd never even think about.
What would we do without
this creation of Blogging
that has benefited us,
so much in this history class?

Blogging the Past

History teaches
Everyone about the past
Which can be helpful
Now and in the near future
It tells us all our mistakes
Blogging is useful
In spreading your opinions
Can be used for much
People can write anything
Using this website
Blogging history
Can help students understand
The complex lessons
And help them spread their own thoughts
It benefits everyone

sorry guys left mine in the middle of my room



















Blogging! Blogging! You're so cool
You make some people want to drool
Sometimes you're trying to make us write
After we wrote we became so bright

Even though some topics are easy
Some write it while being sleazy
Topics are even on history
Someimes writing it is like solving a mystery
We try to make our readers preppy

Even though it makes us feel so sleepy
Blogging makes us feel so neutral
Although writing it is so cruel
Blogging! Blogging! We are now so bright
The light of our imagination came to life!

This is the Blogger logo!!

Blogging And History

Blogging and Blogging

It is so much fun

We do it everyday

Mostly on history

Some on China and Europe

We are very good Bloggers

That we win money

With the help of Mr.G

All we have to do

Is follow what he says

Blogging takes many days

But it is worth the wait

We learn many things

And have a great time