Friday, November 6, 2009

the islamic world

The islamic world includes many many many things but mindy kim, harrison khoo, and justin wu only included some of the important things like whats inside a mosque, abu bakr, and the ka'aba. a mosque is where all muslim people gather for muslim worship. abu bakr was muhammad's closest companion and adviser. abu bakr was from a meccan clan and was one of the first meccans to convrt islam.


What can you find in a mosque?

There are several things you can find inside or outside a mosque. My examples are based on what you can usually find in a mosque. If you did not know, a mosque is a structure to worship in, so this means there must be an alter some where. To start with, you may find arches...or domes...these are common architectural designs in mosques. Also, you may find a fountain of some sort to clean themselves before going into the mosque. These may be some features you can see in a mosque. =)=)=)

Group of: Anthony, Don, and Bianca

In an arabian land; deserts and mosques!

In Arabian areas, Islamic people worshiped and followed the 5 pillars of Islam. Those five pillars taught them to have faith, prayers, alms, do fasting at Ramadan, and to take a pilgrimage at least once in thier lifetimes. Another important part of ancient Arabic lands was the holy city of Mecca, which was an important trade center and religious area in Islamic peoples lives. Mecca has the great box Ka'aba, where the followers of Islam go at least once in their lives for a pilgramage, to pray to their god Allah. A important symbol of the Islamic religion was the Ka'aba Key. The key is a symbol given to those chosen to guard the holy site of Ka'aba. An important natural resource in Arabia was an oasis, which was where the Islamic people got their water from. An oasis was usually a small spring or large lake, which was surrounded by small plants and palm trees. Lastly, another important thing that is in our picture is Islamic writing, which is important because it was how the Islamic people communicated to eachother.
~~~~~~kaili, kyle, and diego


Katy, Augustine, Allison, and I are in a group where we draw what is in a mosque. A mosque is a place where Muslims come to worship.

We drew a building with a dome and columns on desert sand. Also, we drew a hand that represented the Five Pillars of Islam.

When I researched about mosques, I found that there were domes, wooden rooves, stone columns, and minarets, which are towers where people call worshippers to prayer.


Well first of all my group was Nicole, Courtney, and I (Bryant). With the help of Lashawn just kidding she was part of our group. Our picture was about what a library may have look looked like in a Mosque. We made up some book titles and put them on shelves, below that there were scrolls, and below that we had the Qur'an. Next to the bookshelve we had a hand that represents the five pillars of Islam, we also labeled all five pillars of Islam and what they ment. These are the band people about to take pictures.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Q: Why is trade so important in Arabia?
A: It's not because they wanna take all the money and goods. It's actually because Arabia is a desert and has little farmland to grow their own goods so they rely on what they are traded for.

Q: Why are oases important in Arabia?
A: Arabia, like i said, is a desert with little farmland. And so what little they grow and use is mostly from these preciousss~~ (sounds like the "creature" in Lord of the Rings...i think) which has a decent supply of water. These oases are used to supply a small group of people or even a city with food and water.

Well that's about it...learn more...about Arabia!!! And remember to study for the test!!!


O)k, so i got a 17 out of 75 on the muiddle east quiz,and i retook it and got a 19. Then, i took the Japan quiz and got 16 out of 165!!!!! I dont know my own country!!!




Geography Quiz!!!

In my opinion, I thought that this geography quiz was a good idea. It was really fun. Of course, I didn't get a perfect score since I got a 51/75, but it was a great experience. I looked at the map before I started, but I mainly clicked wherever I felt like, and suprisingly, I got most of them.

Sadness fail Fail FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ha ha Sigh I do not know the Middle East. I got 32 out of 75 on my 3rd try. FAIL.

Geography Quizz Score

Hey guys guess what guys i got the most amazingest score in the country ....oh what the heck i mean in the world....yup you wish you had it. I got 0/75..Yup read it and weep buddies.


1) What was the Ka'aba?
It was a religious shrine believed to be built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. The people of

Arabia worship the god Allah at the Ka'aba.

2) What are nomads and what do they do?

Nomads are herders called Bedouins. They adapt their lives to arid land. They travel place

to place instead of settling permanently, because there is little farmland.


FAQ: Who is Allah?

Answer: The God of the Islamic people who is also the God of Christians and Jewish people.

FAQ: What was Ka'aba?

Answer: It is a shrine in Mecca that is believe that it was built by Abraham and Ishmael.


yeahhhhhhhhhhh i got a 36 out of 75 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



FAQ: WHat factors made Mecca a center of religious activity?

Answer: Each year, people flocked to Mecca from all over the peninsula. This was called pilgrimage which is a journey to a sacred place.

FAQs! sounds like FACTS!

"Why did nomads have to move around?"

A frequently fact used as an answer is...."The desert didn't have enough farmland to settle down."

Why did the Arabian Peninsula become such a large trade center?"

Because it connected 3 different continents.

1. Why were deserts important?
There was a lot of trading and activity going on in the oases and stuff. you know??
2. Why was trade important for Arabia?
because they pwned. no just kidding. It's because they didn't have a lot of supplies in the desert, so they could trade off there own stuff for other things they needed. hahahahahaha

geography quiz

Awww. I got a bad score. I didn't really know where all the long names were and all those other places. So i got 17/75. I remember some of them but others went blank. I have to study harder. If i take the test over, i will get 75/75. (:
-Michelle Cuatona

my quiz

I got a 41 out of 75 argh! LOL

I have to do much better. LOL

my pwnage scores

first i got a 32: hobo status
then i took it again; i got a 50: just fail
then i took it again; i got a 67:.................................still fail
u know my score


How were Bedouins who were nomads organized ? They were organized into clans which were families of people related by blood or marriage. What was the name of the temple that Abraham built? It was called a Ka'ba or the Allah.


Q: Why were the Bedouins nomads???

A: There was little farmland, so the Bedouins had to travel from place to place.

Q: Where was the Ka'aba located?

A: It was located in Mecca.

My Bombed Grade of the Geography Quiz :O

I took the Geography Quiz right now, and I got 44/75.

hahahah but it was all luck because I just clicked on random ones, and I got the right one! Oh no, it's going to be failure on the real test!

Umm... ok I am not the brightest kid on the street, but I expected a higher score than 36/75... Ok fine, I cheated a little bit. I started the quiz and when I noticed I had 0/0, well I went back and started again. Of course, I knew most of them. Then, I took the test and I got 47/75 (IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
It was, what do you call it, oh yeah! it was fun. (Now this is where I get educational)
It was a great learning expierence, because I didn't sit there studying about it. Instead, I took an educational quiz about it. I loved it!

I liked this cartoon since I kind of cheated on he test... and well he isn't doing that well either.

Geography Quiz

Astonishingly, I had a total of 51 points out of the maximum 75 points. In all, I believe I could have done better, but I am still happy with my score.


LOOK at my FAQ!!!!!!!

Hey everyone, look at my FAQ,

1) FAQ: How did the people travel to other countries to trade goods?

Answer:Many traveled on the trade routes that connected Arabia to major trade centers.

2)FAQ:What are the importance of Mecca?

Answer:Mecca is an important religious center as well as a trading center.

-Jennifer Poh

EEHHmay gawdddd!!!!

i believe that i was totally right to freak out about the quiz that mr. g posted on our score (and im being truthfull here) was 17 outta 75!!! d ont laugh at me!!! i just totally bombed and im not good at memorizing..but then again, i learned much about geography and layout of lands... Thanks for the really intimidating yet really fun quiz mr g!


On these lands of the Arabian Peninsula, lived, obviously, Arabians. Now, I know an amount of information of Arabians, so I answered some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Here are two:

Were all the Arabians Islamic?

    No, some were Jewish, and others were Christian, which created the fact that the Arabian Peninsula was monotheistic.

    Were there trade routes?

    Yes and a large network of trades developed over the two empires that came into the tree continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. Along these trade routes, they sold metal, grain, incense, ivory, perfumes, silk, spices, and textiles.


    I SCORED.....

    FAQ's on the Arabian Peninsula

    Q: Why were most cities centered around oases?

    A: Many cities used the oases as source of water.

    Q: Why did Bedouins travel?

    A: They didn't have enough farmland, so they constantly moved from place to place, with no permanent home.

    FAQ and ATTFAQ

    FAQ: Why were oases important?
    Answers: The Oases were important because it provided water for caravans in the desert heat.
    FAQ: Why were clans important?
    Answers: Clans were important because it provided protection to people when they are traveling.
    My FAQ and ATTFAQs. (BTW: ATTFAQ means Answers To The Frequently Asked Questions)



    FAQ:Why were nomads always at travel?
    Nomads were always at travel because of the low food that they had in the desert area so they had to travel in search for more food in diffrent places.

    my REALLY weird BLOG about FAQs and THE quiz


    Q: Why was the desert so important?

    A:The desert was a big part of the geography. Most of the land in the Arabic Peninsula was desert and there was very little farmland. Because of this, the desert shaped the peoples' lifestyle.

    Q:Why was the Arabic Peninsula great for trade?

    A:The peninsula was good place to trade because it was surrounded by bodies of water on three sides, and that made it easy to get to.  Also, its the crossroad between three continents, Africa, Asia, and Europe


    On the quiz, the first time, I got 28/75 and the second, I got 49/75. SO HA!!!

    The Geography Quiz (AUUUGGHHH.... QUIZ!)

    well i tried the quiz and utterly failed =( i got a 44 out of 75. then i tried again and got a 63! ahahhahah i got a B i feel somewhat happy. only somewhat cuz i opened up another tab to look at the map in the blog =P i'll take it again and post my new score in a comment.

    FAQ's :)

    FAQ: Why was the Arabian penninsula a good trading center?
    Answer: The Arabian penninsula was the crossroads of three continents(Asia, Africa, and Europe) and is also surrounded by four bodies of water (Mediterannean Sea, the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf).

    FAQ: Why were oases important to the travelers?
    Answer: They gave travelers and people living there a source of water and oases also helped interaction between nomads and inhabitants.

    Not the BEST geography score!!!!

    The geography quiz was a bit tricky.... I got all the "stan"s confused. But I got a 57/75, which is
    probably not the best, but its okay.
    I guess that you could say that it "fun"
    I learned some geography from it and i hope it will help me on the quiz tomorrow.

    Clip Clop Clip Clop. Who is there? Hello?


    Who is there? Hello? And then you feel spit at the back of your foot and you turn around and you see the demon drooler. Read on to find out what happened.

    FAQ: Did the camels act like horses for people in Saudi Arabia?
    Yes and no. THey had horses, donkeys, and sheep, but they relied on camels to help move supplies across the massive and hot desert.

    FAQ: How did trade prosper?
    Now, this is a boring question, but it is important. Since Saudi Arabia was surrounded by seas and different continents trade prospered.

    SO, it wasn't the demon drooler but a camel. We all can make mistakes right!
    (I found this humourous)
    -Allison Yoon <3

    Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

    Faq: Why was trade important in cultural exchange?

    Answer: Merchants carried information as well as products. They would gain knowledge of different religions practiced in the cities they visited. Judaism and Christianity were spread this way.

    Faq: Why is Arabia's location a good place for trade?

    Answer: The Arabian peninsula is a crossroads of three countries which is Asia, Africa, and Europe. It is surrounded by bodies of water like the Mediterranean sea, the red sea, the Arabian sea and the Persian gulf.
    -Michelle Cuatrona

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1.How did the geography of the Arabian peninsula encourage a nomadic way of life?

    Answer: It encouraged a way of noamadic life because there was little farmland so the namds moved from place to place in search of food and water.

    2. What made the Arabian peninsula important for trade?

    Answer: The Arabian peninsula was well situated for trade because it had crossroads that lead to three contents Asia,Africa, and Europe. It was also surronded by bodies of water which includes the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf.


    ahahahah! I GOT...........................................
    Drumroolll pleassee....

    71 out of 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but i probably should've gotten something like 20/75

    FAQ!!! about the Arabian Peninsula

    FAQ= Why was trading important in the Arabian Peninsula?
    Answer= It was important because nomads were able to trade for things they didn't have while traveling along. Different people from the 3 different continents (Asia, Europe, and Africa)started trading with each other as well, since they were pretty close to each other. Sharing their inventions and ideas with each other, information as well as products were traded. Religion (Judaism and Christianity) was spread this way.
    FAQ= Why were oases important?
    Oases were important because they served as stops for traveling nomads. Others settled at the oases traded with the nomads. Also, oases grew to small towns and eventually small cities because of trade, which was important in the Arabian Peninsula for trading products and ideas. Also, larger oases prospered because of the good soil and water to farm, so the people settled there could trade the things they grew. Oases were very important for trade.

    The Geography Quiz

    I GOT... 44/75. I FAIL! I think... It was fun though! I never thought I'd have to know where Uzbekistan is... I didn't even know there was an Uzbekistan!

    FAQ on lesson 1 chapter 3

    why would clans raid other clans?

    Teh other clans wanted water , livestock, or food supplies because they were out of the supplies.

    where is the arabian peninsula?

    it lies between the red sea and the persian gulf. it is about 1/4 th the size of the united states of america . the arabian peninsula is a region of the southwest asia.



    wow..that quiz was sooo hard but really fun. I totally failed... i got a 43/75 totally FAIL!! hahaha i had a really good time though :)

    FAQS and Arabian Life (music plays)

    Here are some FAQs on the Arabian Penninsula

    FAQ:What made the Arabian Penninsula the center of trade?

    Answer:The Arabian Penninsula is a crossroad of three different continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was also surrounded by bodies of water. It was well situated for trade, being the center it makes trade easier there.

    FAQ: What sort of goods did they trade?

    Answer: The Arabs traded a variety of goods. (As we also see in Aladdin) The Arabs traded copper, grain, incense, ivory, perfumes, silk, and spices.

    How Did Arabia Prosper?

    Arabia prospered because at the oases, the soil was good for agriculture and so trade began at them. Also, Arabia was the crossroad between Europe, Asia, and Africa, so it was probably the center of trade.

    Arabian Peninsula FAQ

    1. FAQ: Where is the Arabian peninsula located?

    Answer: It's a region of Southwest Asia. It lies between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. The peninsula is about 1,200 miles at its longest point from north to south and 1,300 miles at its widest point from east to west.

    FAQ: Why is trade important to Arabia?

    Answer: Trade was important because thata was where they got what they needed like grain, copper, silk, etc.

    FAQ and Answers!!!!!! by Nicole!!!!!

    FAQ: How did the Geography of the Arabian Peninsula encourage a nomadic way of life?

    Answer: The Arabian Peninsula was an arid region. Because of its desert climate, only a small portion of land was useful for agriculture. Therefore, there was little farmland, which meant nomads had to move from place to place instead of settling permanently. Another reason, is the location of an oasis. Since their was little rainfall, they needed to get their water from the oasis. Also, they traded at the oasis. They needed to move to get their needs.

    FAQ: Why was Mecca an impotant religious center as well as a trade city?

    Answer: Mecca was located along the trade routes in Western Arabia.


    1) Why were oases important to Arabian culture?

    Since in Arabia there were hardly any rain, they used very little land for agriculture. However, they soon found out that they could use oases to farm and that it can even support large cities.. "An oasis is a fertile of green spot in the midst of a desert." Some oases are just small springs. Also, nomads traded with people that settled at oases. They traded food for animal products.

    2) Who do the Arabs descend from?

    The Arabs believe that they descended from Abraham. They also believe that Abraham and his son Ishmael built the Ka'aba to worship God.

    OMG!!!!! THE QUIZ...........

    OH NO!!!!!! my score on the quiz was 31/75. This totally sucks. But i must admit. The quiz was fun. I did like it. Some of the countries were a bit hard to click on. But overall, i liked it. Now i think i have to go study a bit more. I totally FAILED!!!!!

    THANKS MR. G FOR THE MOST AWESOMEST QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Jennifer Poh

    Many answers to be revealed in Islam....

    Q. How is an oasis formed in a desert?
    A. Oases occur where water underground rises to provide a source for wells and springs.

    Q. Why would the Arabians travel in clans?
    A. Clans can defend each other and govern the clan. Also, they can provide security and support.


    FAQ's on tyhe Ancient Arabian Way of Life!

    1. WHere did teh Arabs get their water staple rom since they were surroubnded by hundreds of miles of desert?

    A: The Arabs got their water from oasis' which contain small shrubs, possibly trees, and eithier a pond or a tiny spring of water.

    2. What sorts of items did the Arabs trade for and with, since they had few natural resources?

    A: Items sich as copper, grains, incesnse, ivory, perfunmes, silk, spices, etc.......
    ~~~~~~~~~~ Kaili ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    FAQs by COURTNEY SHIN!!!!!!!!!! :D


    FAQ: How did the Arabs survive in the desert?

    Answer: Most people were nomads, meaning that they traveled from place to place due to lack of farmland. Also, settlements were found at oases, desert areas that contain water.

    FAQ: Did the Muslim Empire have prosperous trade?

    Answer: The Arabian peninsula was well situated for trade. It is a crossroads of three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. The Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Persian Gulf were all held accountable in the peninsula's growing sea trade. Market towns grew into cities and trade grew larger and larger.

    *Some businesses from the ancient world are still going on today. For instance, ancient scientists discovered the process of distillation. The perfume business in Arabia is still booming today! Also, scientists found the process of luster due to a ban of highly wealthy riches amongst the Muslims. We use this mind-boggling (:D I like that word!) process today as well!

    I hope I have answered your questions! :D

    Why Was Having Oases in the Desert Useful?

    Oases were important because deserts lack water, and where there is an oasis, there is water. The travelers and nomads need water to survive, and they would stop by an oasis to get some water!

    --Sunny ;)


    FAQ:Why was trade important to the people of Arabia Peninsula?
    ANSWER:Trade was important to the people of Arabia because of their lack of supplies that were found in the desert.Therfore,people had to trade for the goods that they needed to survive.This is important because if there were no trade there would be less Arabian people because most would die of hunger.

    F.A.Q's of Arabia

    F.A.Q: Was the Muslim empire started by a clan settlinf in an oasis?

    Answer: Yes well sort of, clans that settled at oasises because of their fighting ability later became the core of the army that would help create the Muslim empire.

    F.A.Q: Could nomads live without trading for live stolk?

    Answer: Well its possible but they would be vegetarians. All in all I think they needed live stolk to survive and be succesful.


    FAQ: What made the Arabian Peninsula important for trade?

    Answer: The Arabian peninsula is well suited for trade. It is the crossroads of three continents- Asia, Africa, and Europe. Also, it is surrounded by bodies of water. The Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Seas, and the Persian Gulf aided the trade acess.


    Many travelers relied on oases for many different reasons. It was used for drinking (obviously) and trade. Many boats could come in big oasis and trade with the neighboring cities around the oasis. This allowed prosperous growth in these cities. Some oases cities are Mecca and Medina.

    (Unable to upload picture... something went wrong during the uploading.)
    But if you really want a picture just click the link below :D

    ~ <3 Daphne Chiang

    The FAQ and the ANSWERS

    I had two questions that was probably frequently asked. The first one was "Who built the Ka'aba and why?" "Abraham and Ishamael built it, and it was the temple of the god. Abraham and Ishmael was Arabs. It was called Allah in Arabic". The second FAQ was "How does an Oasis form and what is it used for?" The answer was "Water in underlying rock rises to the surface to provide a source of water. First there is a fault line, and underground water goes up and then makes a spring. People used the oasis for wells and springs. The Bedouins were a group of nomads that settled at an oasis and interacted with people"

    -Kyle LOL

    FAQ about the Arabian lifestyle

    Here are a few questions and answers about the the Arabian lifestyle.

    Why were oases vital for Arabian people live?
    It was very important because it gave them a source of water they could use for anything.

    How did the Arabians get all of the items they needed?
    They traded copper, grain, incense, ivory, perfumes, silk, spices, and textiles.


    F.A.Q.'s of the Arabian Peninsula!

    F.A.Q. : Why was it essential to be in a clan???

    Answer : each clan was its own unit of government. Clans provided security and support.

    F.A.Q. : What were some of the main trade products of the Arabian Peninsula???

    Answer : Important trade products included copper, grain, incense, rare metals, ivory, perfumes, silk, spices, and textiles.

    Monday, November 2, 2009


    It wasn't that easy with the stan's in the Russian part but the rest was sort of simple. I got a 67/75. Failure for me. Just kidding!!! But I thought this was pretty fun. I bet I can ace the United States state quiz!!:)

    degrading quiz... :(

    I received a 44/75. A complete failure.... I somehow got the easiest questions wrong and the hardest questions right. Ironic! :D Well, now I know where Iraq, U.A.E., Kuwait, Turkey, and such are. I am very determined to ace this quiz! I will be taking it over and over and over and over and OVER! I wonder if this chapter is going to be just as hard as this quiz. If it is, I will be studying very hard! :) This quiz has made me, and probably many other students more determined to memorize these countries. (I hope!) Thank you Mr. G for this quiz! (Even though it was degrading) :D