Friday, January 15, 2010

Confucianism vs. West African culture

Confucianism and West African culture are very similar, being that they both teach to respect elders and older generations. Confucianism taught to respect elders, and many of the main principles Confucius emphasized on revolved around healthy relationships within the family. Confucianism strongly taught for children to always respect their parents and elders no matter what. In West African culture, the basis of government was kinship groups and clans. Kinship groups were a group of people related by either blood, marriage, or adoption. Kinship groups who found a common ancestor would join together and form an even larger group called a clan. In these kinship groups, there would be a select "council" made of the group's elders. Elders were given the most high position in family life. Although Confucianism and West African culture both teach to respect elders, West African culture finds ways to incorporate elders in government, not only in society, while Confucianism doesn't. Nevertheless, respecting elders and older generations is a universal concept that can be found in Confucianism and West African culture.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Confucianism & West African Culture

In Confucianism, followers are taught to respect older generations and family members, similar to West Africans. However, West African kinships were the base for the government, unlike Confucianism.

"Colorful" Answer To Question Number 6 In HistoryText Book pg.219 That Was Assigned For Homework On Monday, January 4th, 2010

Confucianism and West African Culture both respected their families and elders.

Confucianism and African Civilization

 On the other hand, the Chinese were Confucianists. They also had families that were a big part of their empire. They had dynasties which was when the same line of family were the emperor after another. This is the difference on families between African Civilization and the Chinese empire. In African Civilization, families and groups are the main part of their goverment. They had groups called kinships which were connected by marriage and adoption. They were connected by their ancestors into clans. And that was what helped their empire form and go on.


west African cultures and Chinese cultures were very much alike. they both would respect their elders all the time. they were different in the way that African cultures lived together in clans. their was a king but he only controlled the trade system.


Just they always were loyal to their king because he would keep the trade running smoothly. the kings were always the one to perform the proper prayers at the right time. unlike the Africans, the Chinese were living under an emperor's rule. they would always respect the way the emperor ruled because if they didn't something would happen to them.

Comparisons of Confucian and West African Families

Families of Confucian and West African cultures are of great importance, especially their elders. Similarly, they both respect and honor their entire family, and their ancestors. Additionally, they educated each other, sometimes by storytelling, or sometimes by showing. Families were the roots of their rules and beliefs that they following, right before the law of the government.

Do you respect your elders? Confucianism and West African cultures did!

Confucianism and the West African culture were very respective towards their elders! The role that families had in these two cultures were ginormous! The two nations showed their respect to the older generations, but in their own unique way. For Example; Confucians followed the ruler Confucius who taught moral virtues or ethics-ideas of right and wrong. One of his teachings was to respect your family and older generations. West African culture however, considered their families to be very important. Their families were in groups called kinship groups(a connection among people by blood, marriage or adoption). These groups formed the government of many African societies. Also, in kinship groups, decisions were made by a council of the eldest members. This was another way of showing respect. Strong loyalty was among all kinship members at all times. All in all, families were very important in these two civilizations.


Why were families really important in Confucianism and West Africa???

In West Africa, families and older generations were important for many reasons. Without older generations or families, there would be no clans and kinship groups. There would also be no history, because they didn't have written records, they had oral history, which was passed down from generation to generation. Families were very important to West Africa because they made up clans and kinship groups, and they kept oral history going. In Confucianism, families were very important too. One of the things that Confucius taught was to respect families and older generations. Also, without families, there wouldn't be anyone to teach the younger generations Confucianism after Confucius died. Families were respected in Confucianism, and was one of the big ideas that Confucianism stressed. Both West Africa and Confucianism needed families and older generations to be the way that it was.

link between Confucianism and west africa.

Confucianism taught people to be educated and to educate the people around them. Allot of the rulers that ruled china also believed in Confucianism.this also led to government officials having to take a test and pass to become a government official.For west Africa they had kinship's but when it became an empire it converted to Islam. Islam also in a sense educated people. It gave the Africans a written language to use to copy down history. Islam was also used in government too because most kings in Africa converted to Islam.

number six, question six, sixth question, 123456 question, 654321 question, question of the six, six of the question, of the sixth question.......

In Confucianism, the role of families and older generations were to help and respect each other and to follow the law. In West African culture, the role of families and older generations were to make decisions and laws. Also, in Confucianism, the leaders came from a dynasty, or a bloodline. West African culture came from kinship groups.,_2007Apr25.jpg/350px-West_African_Dance_at_the_White_House,_2007Apr25.jpg The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

confucianism....west africa....the same :)

The roles of family in Confucianism and West African culture are very similar. The families in both helped build a foundation for the culture's growth. Confucianism grew as China grew, and West African cultures grew as West Africa became more powerful and popular. In Confucianism, families and older generations were highly respected. Older generations, especially, had knowledge that the younger generations learned. In this prospect, the elders were highly respected for what they knew and could teach. This was also very similar in West African cultures. Families respected each other and helped each other in their rough times. Older generations were had high positions in teaching and giving people rights. The people of both cultures respected each other and were very grateful for the elders in their midst.

Roles of People and Cultures

Between the role of families and older generations in Confucianism and in the West African culture, they're both pretty alike even though they're located in different places. In West Africa, family relationships were important. They had many kinship group formed throughout the government of many African societies. With the kinship groups, they formed larger groups called clans. Because of the code of conduct, t governed these relationships. With Confucian, he emphasized many principles including to respect family and older generations. The bottom line is that both countries had to respect their family and older generations.



Confucius - Respect your elders.

West African - Decisions were made by the eldest members. They had kinship groups which formed into clans, and each clan had their own set of rules.


Confucius - Educate individuals and society.

West African - Women prepared food, took care of children, etc. Men looked after large animals, built houses, etc.


Confucius - Use right relationships to produce social order. Morality is the highest goal a person can reach. This morality is acheived through education. Education can occur through books, observation, or interaction with wise men.

West African - Griots told about the spiritual forces of the natural world. These stories entertained and educated.


Confucius - None

West African - Iron allowed Africans to create stronger tools.


Confucius - Taught a code of conduct with relationships

West African - Vegetation Zones, had a code of conduct with clan

R....E...S...P...E...C...T....That is the way for me????

Confucius’ idea to respect older generations compare to the West African’s culture too. One of Confucianism’s main rules include filial piety or respect directed toward older generations. In West Africa, the eldest members were the main figures in the kinship groups and made the big decisions. This not only shows they were trusted but the rest of the kinship group RESPECTED the older generations. Respect is one similarity between Confucianism and West African's culture way in treating older generations.

Families and Older Generations

Families and older generations played a key part in both West African culture and in Confucianism. One of the key teachings of Confucianism was 'Respect family and older generations'. Confucianism, being based on moral values and ethics, thought that respect for our elders was very important and had a big role in life. As the Han dynasty lost power around 200 A.D., Confucianism began to lose its influence.

In West African culture, families and older generations were a big part of traditions too. Family relationships were important in West Africa. The connection of a common ancestor created clans from kinships. Each of these clans had their own history that was passed down by storytellers.
West Africans believed that their ancestors were protectors and could help them 'connect' with 'the creator of the universe.' The storytellers, or griots, were a major part of these rituals.


In Confucianism there were dynasties, you could take power if you were blood-related.In Africa in order to be a ruler you would have to be related to the person in charge.They both follow the main teachings in Confucianism even thought the Africans didn't live by that, their religion had many of the aspects as the teachings of Confucianism.

Number Six

Roles of families and older generations are (not that different, quite different). For their similarities, they both had special connections with their families. For the West Africans, this is called kinship. They respected their family members, older generations, and their ancestors. This is also the same case for Confucianism. As it states in the history book, they also have to respect family and older generations. They also have the older generations deciding most of their family's lives.

Guess what? I know the answer to what the similarity of West Africa and Confucianism is!!

Q:Compare the role of families and older generations in Confucianism and in West African culture.

A: The people in West Africa honor the thought of family by living in kinship groups, where they are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Since they also acknowledge older generations, the oldest of the kinship groups made decisions for the group. The people of West African culture are similar to Confucianism because it is in their Confucian rule to respect family and older generations.

confucious and west african...uhmmm...stuff

6. Compare the role of families and older generations in Confucianism and in the West African culture...
In bot
h cultures, the older generations, such as parents and grandparents were greatly respected. Families that believed in Confucianism, children were to respect their family and elders. "The children that lived in West Africa, were responsible for gathering firewood, helping their fathers tend the flocks, and helping their mothers clean their home."
So, like, they were different but also the same...if that makes sense.

Confucianism...West Africa?

The roles of families and/or families of older generations in Confucianism are to pass down the teachings of Confucianism. Education can be received by books or interaction with wise people. People of Confucianism had respect family and older generations. They also educated individuals and the society. Confucianism greatly influenced the Chinese life with principals to direct the Confucianism believers in the right direction.

The West African society could travel in kinship groups, and the clans can then travel in bigger groups called clans. These people may had to respect their elderly and family. They also had storytellers called griots, and these music or stories told the culture of West Africa and the society of life. Many rulers of Ghana converted to Islam, therefore losing his claim to the throne. Many of these Ghana rulers believed that other people should have a belief in Islam. Still, Islam strongly influenced Ghana rulers.

Confucianism and West African Cultures

Both the West African and Confucianism cultures lived lifestyles that were similar to each other. West African and Confucist cultures both respected their elder. Their lifestyle focused on respecting their elders for their wisdom and more. On the other hand, West African people relied on families to decide the laws. Every family had their own set of laws that were special for that tribe only. Chinese people relied on their ruler to set their laws. This title of emperor was passed down by blood relationship (this was called a dynasty). Overall, the West African and Confucist cultures were both different, yet the same.

NuMbEr 6!!!4rm the lesson review from pg..ugh...219

6. Compare the role of families and older generations in Confucianism and in West African Culture.
Answer!!!::::: Well, in both cultures, the elders and fami8ly members were respected, but it was more pronounced and important to honor the elders in Chinese culture.

~~>.< Kaili~~~ <3

African and Chinese Families

In African Civilization, there were groups called kinship. They were people who were connected by adoption or mirrage. Kinship groups formed the government of many African Societies. The council of the eldest members made most of the decisions in Kinship groups. Members of Kinship groups trusted each other. Kinship groups with a common ancestors made a bigger group called clans. Clans usually followed the same rules. In some clans, members could not marry each other. In the Chinese Empire, elders were respected among the family. In Confucianism, people had to respect others like rulers among subjects. In the empire they didn't have small groups like in the African Civilization. But in famalies, the elders and the older generations probably had higher power in the family

Common Views Across the World: Chinese Philosophy and West African Culture

The Chinese philosophy, Confucianism, and West African culture have some common views. One of these being the way to view family and especially elders. Confucius himself emphasized respect toward family and older generations. People in West Africa honored family, or kinship to the point that it was the base of their government. Also, people in the older generations would often pass on the culture's history with stories. Because of this, elders were highly respected.
As you can see, in both Confucianism and West African culture honor and respect family and elders.