All that glitters is not gold... For example, al-Andalus in the Golden Age.
Nicole Waldecker
Jonathon Xue
In the golden age of Cordoba, Cordoba had a great leader known as Abd-al-Rahman III. Even at its height, Cordoba still had some problems. But the Caliph Abd-al-Rahman III stopped all internal revolts. Abd-al-Rahman also created a huge standing army. Abd-al-Rahman was kind of like FDR (Franklin Theodore Roosevelt) in world war II. Abd-al-Rahman III stopped all internal revolts on his city just like how Teddy Roosevelt stopped all attacks on America in world war II. In conclusion Abd-al-Rahman was a great leader and lead his city into a golden age for 100 years.
During the golden age of Corodba, its political ways prospered in many ways. THeir government gained more power and wealthy because of powerful rulers, such as Abd-al Rahman. With that, COrdoba also became powerful. It's just like the USA today. The USA (like al-Andalus) gained more and more power, and so did Washington DC, a capital city of a nation just like Cordoba. Our government also strengthened more and more, and so did our leaders, like Barack Obama and Arnnold Schwarzenegger. This golden age of Cordoba also strengthened many other things.
Political –
In the 900’s, Abd Al-Rahman had conquered Córdoba and Al-Andulas. What he didn’t know was that Cordoba was about to become the most prosperous city of his time. Abd al-Rahman III faced and prevented many revolts. Christian forces attacked the border but Abd Al-Rahman III prevented them from pushing further in. He built a standing army to help fight off the attacks. Standing armies were kept in peace and in war. In my opinion, that is very efficient. The standing army is used to fight off attacks and maintain peace. Very similar to the U.S., we, too, have a standing army. The U.S. standing army has to face attacks. They also have to travel to places to fight, similar to Abd Al-Rahman’s standing army. So, even though Abd Al-Rahman and his standing army died a long time ago, this tactic still lies in the U.S. and in many countries, worldwide.
The city had a golden age due to the many aspects of P.E.S.T but, one was because of the marvelous leadership of al-Rahmon III and al-Rahmon I.Al-Rahmon established a standing army to asure the safety of the people in his empire.He didn't want to riskgetting overthrown by factions.This is a great strategy because we,the peole in U.S.A are safe because we to have a standing army and we are living in peace because of that.Also the cleverness of al-Rahmon I helped expand the empire, getting a higher population. He wanted to unify the poeple so that the empire could be ran smoothly. In conclusion,the city's golden age hapenned because of these two strong leaders.
in the technological ways, cordoba had or created calendars. they mastered in the subject of astronomy and mathematics. so due to the fact that they mastered in that subject, they created a thirty volume encyclopedia. today we have many ways and helpful sources that help us to cure the many diseases that occur these days. their calendars have help us keep track of days and holidays that occur in each month. this shows that they spent a lot of time with creating many new and helpful things to the city of cordoba. all in all, the city of cordoba had many wise people that helped the city flourish.
The 1000's and 1100's were a golden age for al-Andalus in the aspect of politics. The reason they had a golden age in politics is that they could easily communicate with the citizens. To communicate they used common language and common coinage. Being able to communicate helped the buerocracy This is similar to the way things are today because we still use a common language and common coinage. Now, we use English instead of Arabic and bills instead of coins. To conclude, I think the 1000's and 1100's were a golden age in the area of politics because they could easily communicate with the citizens and had a buerocracy to carry out orders given by the person with the highest authority.
♥Kaili Hamada♪
✿December 11, 2009❃
History pest Analysis Essay
> In all places, having a strong grip over a place is an important part of helping it becoming powerful and successful. Al-Andulus (Muslim Spain) was created by Abd al-Rahman, and its capital was named Cordoba. Another very important leader during al-Andulus’s golden age was named Abd al-Rahman III. In Muslim/Arabic empires, nations, or states, leaders were also called caliphs. The political aspects of al-Andulus compare to the politics of today because of how the leaders and their helpers had maintained control over the area, like how our presidents and governors in America make sure that everything is going the way it should be. Our politics of today and then are also alike because of how leaders pick strong capitals for their nations, so that they will be successful. Also, by having their standing army with mercenaries, they had better control overt their land and helped them pay attention to what was going on with conflicts, just how armies in America work today! Having a powerful government always impacts an area greatly, because without it, the empire, nation of state will collapse.
The wealth of a place always effects how successful it will be. Without money, it will be very difficult to provide jobs, food, and clothes to your citizens. When a state has no money, it will not have strong military forces. Then, they will not be able t o expand their land (they will stop getting income and riches) and they will not be able to protect themselves from raids and outside attacks. In al-Andulus, they were wealthy and profited through trading. Cordoba became a center of trade because of its new found prosperity, which led to the golden age of al-Andulus. They had thriving trade because of their products that were wanted in Europe. Success in farming also helped al-Andulus’ economy, and with all of the people who were migrating to Cordoba, it was easier to employ people with jobs. The more people you had working on a certain thing, the faster the job got done, which helped making surplus’ to sell to others. In my opinion, the economy of then and today compare because of thriving trade and sales. Having money and success made al-Andulus thrive for years.
All places have different cultures and religions, according to the type of people who live there. Cordoba was more or less a cultural center for the Muslim world. The city of Cordoba itself had 70 libraries, containing 400,000 books total. Some of those books were in different languages such as Latin which scholars studied and spread the languages throughout their Muslim Empire. The spread of the cultures and religions was basically a welcome to peoples of other religions and cultures to come to al-Andulus. As more people came to al-Andulus, the state’s trade and economy soared as well as its technological advancements and so on. Like America today, Cordoba was a great cultural center because of their tolerant ways, and because people felt welcome here and there. Cordoba was very successful for many reasons, and one of the more important ones, how there were a variety of cultures centered in the city.
Being ahead of your time by means of technology is an important part of being a successful nation, state, or empire. Al- Andulus made life pleasant and likeable because they other had paved roads, lighting by means of lamps, public baths, fountains, and beautiful gardens. By being more advanced technologically than civilizations of your time helps to attract people to live in your city, or civilization and not other places. By being a city of wonders, people from not only the Muslim world knew about Cordoba, but also citizens of Europe as well knew of Cordoba. As more people were enthralled by the magnificent city of Cordoba, the city expanded and became even more successful. Similar to America today, Cordoba was ahead of their time and that made al-Andulus successful, like how America is prosperous today as well.
To conclude, all of the aspects of the Muslim settlement of al-Andulus helped to make it successful. Being: politically strong, technologically advanced, culturally diverse, and economically strong makes a society welcoming and thriving. People would rather live in a successful state, nation, or city than being part of a weak and un-tolerant area.
The Ummayads experienced a golden age between the years 1000, and 1100. This is partly because of the Ummayad's political stands. For example, the Ummayads set up a standing army to easily, and quickly put down any problems. This is much like the way the U.S has a standing army. Also, seeing how most of the countries in the world have a standing army, it is probably a good way to help defenses and securities. Beside having a standing army, the Ummayads were tolerant of other people such as Jews. This is like how the U.S is tolerant of other races and religions, and thus has many different things to trade, and has many different ideas to think about . So, the Ummayad's standing army and their tolerance for people helped their politics to be successful.