The golden age, 1000 -1100 AD, of al-Andalus was centered around its capital, or Cordoba. The political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological aspects of it greatly added to its growing fame and prosperity.
The golden age, 1000 -1100 AD, of al-Andalus was centered around its capital, or Cordoba. The political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological aspects of it greatly added to its growing fame and prosperity.
Al-Andalus had begun its empire within the region of Spain, with a bureaucratic system of departments and agencies, carrying out the work of the central government, mainly from the orders of the caliph. As al-Andalus gradually increased in its land size throughout the Iberian Peninsula, there had to be a force in control, in times of peace and war, so they created a standing army. Additionally, they also formed a conquest army, which was consisted of foreign mercenaries and citizens of al-Andalus. Even now, for example, many countries also have standing armies, such as the United States, which is used in the same general idea of the Muslims had their standing army. Ideally, a similar system of bureaucracy is input into the government of the United Stated, in which that the United States uses these departments and agencies to carry and work out government operations and announcements. Though al-Andalus had based their government by the Muslim religion, they still used clever systems to compromise political issues.
There are a lot of things from the P.E.S.T. analysis that contributed greatly to the golden age for al-Andalus. During the 1000's and 1100's, the things for political, economic, socio-cultural, and technology began to develop.
Jews had a very hard time when they lived in
Spanish-Jews flourished. A Spanish-Jewish culture with its own language which is Ladino developed. One of the Jews helped a caliph to negotiate peace treaties with
Scholars made great contribution to the study of mathematics, astronomy, geography, medicine, and philosophy. Scholars of al-Andalus built on or extended the work of early mathematicians. Scholars built precision instruments for viewing the skies. Some wrote about doctor-patient relationships. This helped doctors understand the patients' reactions and feelings. Other medical scholars wrote about ways to treat diseases. People who helped with the achievements must have been working hard all the time. A lot of people invented things on mathematics, astronomy, geography, medicine, and philosophy that were really important. This can relate to us because all of the people us math, astronomy, geography, medicine, and philosophy.
The 1000's and 1100's were a golden age for al-Andalus because Jews had a chance for freedom. Farming flourished, Spanish-Jews thrived, and scholars made great contribution to the golden age. Scholars built things that most people can use now. This all contributed to the golden age for al-Andalus, and it happened during the 1000's through the 1100's.
Cordoba made many things that would benefit the past, present, and future. Cordoba made a calendar, which is really accurate. They used astronomy, mathematics to help them in this situation. It was impressive for Cordoba to make the calendar because it benefited us. The U.S. makes a lot of new things that benefited us too. For example, we created the ipod, which was really cool, since now we could do extra stuff while doing other things, which is called multi-tasking. Cordoba really helped our society by making an important technology.