Golden Age...Al-Andalus...Muslims...Spain O.o
Let's take a look back into the golden age of Al-Andalus and the political aspects. The Abbasids killed all the Ummayads. Nope, that's wrong one man survived. That man is Abd Al-Rahman. Abd Al-Rahman was determined to keep the Ummayad legacy going. 125 years later Abd al-Rahman III was determined also. Wow, that's amazing that Abd al-Rahman survived the "Abbassid massacre." The Abbasids nearly wiped out the Ummayads, too bad for them their job wasn't finished. The Ummayads and the people loyal to them, would've been proud of Abd Al-Rahman for saving the Ummayad rule.
Cordoba had a prosperous economy. In Cordoba farming flourished and many crops would be sold. Cordoba also held workshops that produced silk, cloth, and much more. People from other countries would come to buy these products. Lucky for Cordoba their economy wasn't like ours right now. In the USA our economy jas gone downhill. Our country is facing money problems. I sure wish that we can prosper as Cordoba did.
Cordoba was a major cultural and learning center. By the late 900s the city already had 70 libraries. One of those contained over 400,000 books. In some libraries there were only 100 manuscripts! The people of Al-Andalus had a great oppurtunity to learn. Many people would come to Cordoba, this brought different cultures and new ideas together. 400,000 books; there was probably A LOT of reading going on. People could've been jealous, the people in Al-Andalus had so many books. Wow, I couldn't read that many books.
The ancients has taught us a lot of things. The Arabs have given us soap and perfume. Al-Zahrawi helped our doctors. Al-Zahrawi made surgical instruments. Surgical instruments, that's a great development in the medicine area. Surgery will be easier now. What would we do without our ancients? If the Arabs didn't invent soap we'd stink. We wouldn't be clean and it would really smell. I think some surgeons and scholars should give Al-Zahrawi a thank-you.

HI MELINGA!!! lol...nice other comment
You had some really great facts and analysis about Cordoba. O_O
i like the beggining. really catch. i like all the facts you gave. i like how when i read the analysis i learn more
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