Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blogging :)

$3000 is definitely a whole lot of $$$; it can be used in many helpful ways. We can obtain resources and technology that will allow us to connect with other parts of the world, and learn about their culture. With our amazing blog, we can exchange cultures and ideas with others around the world, and better understand the people, for example, sharing about everyday lives. We can share interesting thoughts and ask questions about their different countries or cities, and learn more through their answers they share with us. Learning about others would be fun, and educational too. It will also help us better understand the world. Blogging has been a very fun experience, and I look forward to blogging again. ;) Thanks College Board for allowing us to improve our blogging experience!

We need to receive a pat on the back! :D

A few days ago, our history class received $3,000 from the Bob Costas writing grant. This is a SIZEABLE amount of money and it can be used for many great purposes to further jour class's horizon of knowledge and money. We can use this money to advance our curriculum or to have different activities to embed these useful historical facts in our minds. :)

Yea we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Well I am so happy that we got the grant because this will probably improve our writing. It will improve us because since we got the grant, we would be influenced and want to write more. Once we write more our writing skills improve.b So thank you for accepting our blog.

Bob Costas Grant

For one classroom, 3,000 dollars seems like an ample amount of money, and it is. Money can be pretty helpful in many ways, such as using it to buy new objects that help us culturally learn about other civilizations, present and past. As we more learn this, we may be able to better understand of other peoples and the native culture of their ancestors.


Blogging is a fun way to improve our writing skills and learn more about history. We have included blogging as our class work since the beginning of the year, and the experience was wonderful!

Thank you, Bob Costas Writing Grant from college board for honoring us with this great grant! I am very excited that our history class will be able to use the help for technology in education. This grant will maximize the awesome experience of blogging that we have had before.

Seriously, THANK YOU!

Thanks, Woots, and Understanding

This grant will greatly help our class and many other people in the world. At least for me, this grant has given me more pride with myself and my class. In addition this blogging will not also help our writing skills, but also provide insight to people all over the world. All in all I am very excited about this grant (that we appreciate very much), the chance to continue blogging, and sharing with the different peoples of the world.

The $3,000 That We Won!!!!

Spreading Ourselves to the World

The money that we received from the Bob Costas Writing Grant from the College Board can be used in different ways. I believe that we can use it to spread ourselves to the world. With this money, we can telecommunicate between schools around the world. This money should be for a good purpose in helping the world.

A few days before, our history class at Whitney High School received $3,000 dollars from Bob Castas writing grant from the college board. We can use this money to improve our history classes and projects. We have a major history-english project coming up where we are creating a museum about Japan. The money we got can help with this project. This money can also help with our learning-systems. We mix english with history. In history, we use analysis to help with our learning.

Thanks everyone!

Now we've received are grant of $3000 I feel that we can do plenty with this. To begin with, we can buy a class camera to take pictures. This will help us with the blogs as an example. To have a picture explains many details, which Mr. Gutierrez wants. A class camera to us can be really useful, as explained above. Maybe, just maybe, we can buy additional history books for home and class. This helps the students in many ways. Students get tired and maybe forget the books, are some reasons. With this grant, it can help us a lot. I'm really excited what we'll receive.

History+writing=blogging!!! :D

Just recently, our history class here at Whitney high school recieved a $3,000 Bob Costas writing grant from the College Board. We wiill be using this money to expand our history/english program, and we now will be able to start blogging more. Also, we will be able to spend more time involving english anaylysis into our history classes. I'm greatly looking foward to this next semester! Thank you College Coard!


Wow we were 1 out of thousands of people to win the grant of $3,000!!!!

With the huge amount of money, we are able to get many recources to help us out with writing and blogging. There are many endless possiblities of what we can do besides blogging and the writing. With the money, we can improve our writing skills because we can get things like more paper or pencils, things like that. I'm very excited for what we can do for the blog, maybe we can get some advance technology for the blogging. Anyways, it is a very big excitement to know that we were 1 out of thousands of people to win this fantastic grant.
- Jennifer Poh


I have a sence of accomplishement now that our class has received a $3000 grant because I know that I was a part of this happening and I am proud of myself. This will help us because the money can be used to make blogging faster and so we can blog more because I really enjoy blogging and showing that I understand what we are doing in history class. We can blogg more often to leave what we have have learned, so we can just come on the blogg to review old materials. Once again thank you for making our blogging experience better for us kids.

Receiving a grant+Blogging=Happiness and Being Proud

This grant that we received from blogging really made me proud. I am really proud and excited to have a chance to have this grant and there are so many things that we can do with this grant. For example, we can have children that can't use the internet because of financial problems use the internet and to write their feelings on a blog. I hope that everyone around the world can have a chance to have some happiness not only by blogging but by other ways too.

With this grant too, we can have kids around the world to show themselves and say what is so important about their lives. With all of the kids around the world, I want them to be on Blogger and I want to show the videos on this Blog. I am hoping that these kids will be happy with this and to have their chance to show their culture through a video that can possibly be in our Blog. I thank my whole class and my teacher, Mr.Gutierrez, for helping our class achieve this goal and being able to have a chance to help and learn about others.

$3000???? Cha Ching

When I heard we received the grant of $3000 (Cha Ching), I was not only proud of our class who managed to pull through, but I am excited about what we can learn by this experience. I learned anything is possible even if the chances are slim. Moreover, with the $3000 we can manage to be a better class as a whole. Thanks Bob Costas Writing Grant from College Board!!!!