Japanese Musuem
The Bowers Museum helped me understand the way people set up muesum exebitions. I leaned that the Chinese had different styles of kimono like out fitts and different sybols on them ment different things. It was an interesting musum with a bunch of info on the artifacts they had but for inspiration are group was still deciding what to do. Are group did a presentation on Kabuki. We told the audience about kabuki stages, costumes, and the history of Kabuki. For the artifacts we showed we found items that showed the most resemblance to traditional Kabuki props such as a wooden sword and glass masks. Poonam and i set up the poster and prepared the speech and got the wooden sword artifact. LaShawn was missing for all the set up time but came through with the masks and quikly learned her lines for the speech. The audiences general impression nof the audience was that they seemed interested. Especially for are teacher Ms. Brannen who made the connection with the Elizabeth Theater from the Renaissance time period. I dont think i would do anything different next time. I would do Samuri next time because Samuri are awsome and they looked very interesting to research and do a project on. I enjoyed seeing my friend Sohans group do a demenstration on Kendo. It was pretty exiting seeing the demonstration and learning about the gear invalved.
nice post, but you have some misspellings..
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