Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Foolish, selfish (rich $$$) Abbasids!!!

Q. How did the wealth that brought the Abbasids power also lead to their downfall?

A. The Abbasids were very wealthy rulers that expperienced a golden age. Yet the same power and wealth that mad them rise, brought them to their downfall. The Abbasids had extreme wealth and lived luxuriously. Yet, their lavish lifestyle made them selfish by keeping and taking all items to themselves and not sharing their wealth with their people. Because of this, they were blinded from their responsibility as rulers and due to their poor efforts of benefiting the people, trade routes were soon vulnerable to and attacked by bandits. Thus, wealth decreased and furthermore, the Abbasids raised taxes. The empire grew weak and soon enough, a faction called the Fatimids who, as they proclaimed, were descended from Fatima, a daughter of Muhammad, conquered the Abbasids' rule.

Wealth distracted the rulers from responsibility, ironically, just as some of China's fallen emperors. The rulers elevated themselves way too above the people. The Abbasids didn't even attempt to protect the people and merchants by securing trade routes but simply raised taxes, burdening the citizens even more but giving the rulers a more leisure life than deserved. Because of this, we find that the Abbasids were already incapable leaders; unable to rule citizens orderly. Being too wealthy made the Abbasids selfish. If the wealth was used for the people and themselves, wealth would've continued to prosper rather than come to an abrupt and brutal end. The Abbasids were selfish and because of the secure state of their empire and the golden age, they most likely though their empire indestructable. This is why the Fatimids were able to conquer the Abbasids for the reality was that the Abbasids were actually weaker than ever before.


Blogger Mindy Kim said...

Courtney!!! Your analysis makes me think more about the Abbasids and how they can be compared. Wonderful Magnificent JOB!!!!

February 2, 2010 at 8:28 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Wheres your picture but nice infromation

February 2, 2010 at 8:29 AM  
Blogger jennifer P. said...

your information gave much details and anaylsis.I could clearly understand you. Great Work.

February 2, 2010 at 8:43 AM  
Blogger kaili! said...

wow courtney!! your vocab was really good, as well as your analysis, which really made me think about everyithing we learned...gooood jobbb!!! <3 k a i l i

February 2, 2010 at 8:45 AM  

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