Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How the Umayyads Maintained Their Rules

The Umayyads maintained their rules in political, technological, and environmental ways. First, the Umayyads had bureaaucracy, which is a system of departments and agencies that carry out the work of the government. Bureaucracy helped the caliphs rule the empire from the capital of Damascus. This is similar to the Justinian code that Justinian 1, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire. The Justinian Code helped Justinians to serve the Byzatine Empire for 900 years. The second way of maintaining their rules was technology. Abd al-Malik, who became caliph in 685, made common coinages. Because the Muslims spoke different languages, the coinage made people to communicate with each other in other regions more easily. This is just like the aquaducts of Rome. The aquaduct was constructed to make people get water ealily. The third way of maintaining their rule was by conquering more lands to gain power. For example, the Umayyads expanded their empire to west into the Iberian Peninsula. This is similar to Genghis Khan, who had conquered all of central Asia for power.


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