Only the Roman, or all the Empires?

In the history books, it said that Christianity was developed in Rome. But it was kind of strange to me how some of the Romans persecuted the Christians , even when it started near their region. The Romans were afraid if the Christians would outgrow them and become greater.
Aren't the Romans kind of conceited and selfish? They wanted all the power for themselves. Or did all of empires back then want fame and fortune? I guess everyone did, so that their empires would grow. But if I had an empire, I would have citizen approval and only conquer other lands if the citizens wanted to. If I did this, then unlike the Roman Empire, my empire wouldn't fall because of too much taxes, less information passed on about civic matters, and useless agriculture because of the bad soil. The Roman Empire started strong, but became weak. Well, at least their legacy stayed.
- Sunny Kim :)
Real interesting. I agree with you on how they were kind of conceited and selfish.
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Yea the Romans are concieted and selfish. They ruled a big section of the world, and they kept it to themselves. It was probably good that Rome declined, because we would had been conquered.
-Kyle Lu >_<
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This article is really interesting Sunny. In addition, I agree with you that they were selfish and concieted even though they had a large amount of land. And finally, nice picture! Great Job!!
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