I learned that christianity was the main religion of rome. Christianity began when Jesus first introduced it. He gained followers and when the Roman government declared that anyone who was Christian and would not worship roman gods would be executed. Eventually the Christianity spread throughout the Empire. It affected many provinces in Rome and was eventually said to be the main religion. Now Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world.
"the MOT popular religion"
christianity was first taught by Jesus. many of the ideas in christianity were based on the ideas in Judaism because Jesus was brought up with that religion. the roman consuls didn't like how followers of christianity were worshipping one god, and it wasn't their gods. they failed in trying to kill the christians but the religion just kept on spreading to a whole bunch of people. and nowadays, christianity is one of the most believed religion.
one third of the people in the world are Christians
That's true but Romans tried to get rid of christianity because it was making the roman empire weaker.because of that they put Jesus to death,but christianity still spread and countinued to make Rome weaker.Wich eventually led the Roman empire to its fall.
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