Decline of the Roman Empire
I learned that through internal weaknesses, the empire started to decline. Even though Rome was the most powerful empire and the largest, by far, it declined and split because of agricultural, political, and economical problems. It was quite sad how the citizens "no longer showed a willingness to sacrifice for the good of Rome." If the empire only showed the interest in the citizens themselves and not power, the Romans would have stayed the way they were. Politics and become corrupt and nothing was the same. Rome was not Rome. :( It was probably not the greatest time period to live in. 

I liked how you used the italic writing for the internal. It grabbed my attetion. By the way, nice information.
That's sad how the citizens were so uncooperative and selfish. If it weren't for the evil citizens, Rome would have still flourished and stand strong. Maybe still today...
Well, it's not ENTIRELY the citizens' fault. The government acted like they didn't care about them. If someone you once trusted and were loyal to started to think of their own matters and didn't care about you, we would probably think the same way. Would Rome have flourished until today? Who knows!!! :D
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