Tuesday, March 2, 2010

******!!!!!!The Bowers Museum!!!!!!******

Dear Reader,
A few weeks ago we attended the Ancient China Exhibit at the Bowers Museum. In my opinion, I think that we learned alot about Ancient China and their culture. Attending this Exhibit, helped me better understand what exactly a museum is and what it offers to the public. For Example, I learned that there is alot of information for us to absorb and take in. The Bowers Museum also has alot of activities and knowledge to offer us.
The Bowers Museum inspired me to present our own exhibit on ancient Japan. I wanted everyone to share my knowledge of Japan's History, Culture, and other interesting facts about Japan. I saw different presentations that were very interesting. Another group did a unique dance and showed us an aspect of Japanese Art. I think the audience really liked interactive presentations more than groups that just gave information. Like the Bowers Museum, my group gave information on Japanese dishes, cuisines and their diet, along with showing the student body how to make sushi. Next time though, I think our group needs to practice our presentation skills a little bit more. Overall, I think the Bowers Museum and our own Japanese Exhibit impacted my life greatly.


Nicole Waldecker


Blogger jennifer P. said...

i liked your nice details and the opinions that you made.

March 2, 2010 at 8:46 AM  

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