Thursday, April 15, 2010

Harlem and European Renaissance

The Harlem and European Renaissance was a time of rebirth for both places. These rebirths helped spread ideas for society and also promoted new ideas about art, literature, and music. The Renaissances were a "golden age" for Europeans and African Americans who lived in Harlem.
The European Renaissance started in Italy's cities of Florence, Venice, and Milan. Because these cities had become main places for exchanging goods and ideas, the Renaissance ideas were able to spread more quickly. The European Renaissance brought about new advances in mostly art and literature, but also some in architecture. Some famous artists from the Renaissance time were Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, who painted arts such as the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. The European Renaissance was a prosperous time for the whole continent of Europe and contributed to the development of the rest of the world.
The Harlem Renaissance was a period of written and artistic creativity among African Americans. This rebirth occurred after World War I and lasted until the middle of the 1980's Depression. A major factor leading to the rise of the Renaissance was the migration of African-Americans to the northern cities. The Harlem Renaissance was first known as the "New Negro Movement" because it was a time for African Americans to show their skills. The Harlem Renaissance's legacy was that it redefines how America, and the world, viewed the African American heritage.
The Harlem and European Renaissances were periods of time that helped the locations develop into more successful countries. The rebirths helped spread many ideas and ways of life that are still used in today's world.


Blogger Janice Lee said...

I like that you stated a lot of important information about each Renaissance. Nice post! :)

April 15, 2010 at 10:29 PM  

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