Monday, January 11, 2010

West African and Confucianism CULTURE!!!! READ! just read it...

In Confucianism the elder generations are respected. As well as West African Culture. In Confucianism people are taught about morality. They are also taught how education can occur through books, observation, or interaction with other wise people. Some if not many of those wise people are elders from older generations, and they may teach others with their own experience. Family relations were important in West Africa. A connection with people by blood, marriage, or adoption is a kinship. Kinship groups with a common ancestor formed bigger groups known as clans. In kinship groups decisions were often made by a council of the oldest members. History was also passed on through stories in West Africa. Back then West Africans did not have a written language. They recorded their culture through oral history. The people who would tell the stories, the storytellers were called griots. These stories were passed on from generation to generation. I'll end this like how many stories end...........THE END!


Blogger Michelle C said...

I liked how you ended it. You told that there were storyteller and stuff.

January 11, 2010 at 8:42 AM  

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