Roman Vacation! :D

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the virtual tour of Rome. Together, we will be going to explore the little wonders of Rome. First off, Rome has many various kinds of arts. They were influenced by Egypt, Greece, and Africa. There were murals, which is a large painting affixed on the wall for everyone to admire. There are also many life like statues modeled after gods, goddesses, emperors, and important people. Their government was really interesting, too. At first they were a Republic when they were first set up in 500 B.C. They had two leaders called consuls. They were the ones that could decide when to start war, controll the army, and how much taxes were collected and what rules were there. The consuls however, aren't the only ones in government. There are also senates, a group of wealthy families in Rome. Sadly, women couldn't be senates, but once you are a senate, you will be a senate forever. In addition to the consuls and senates, there were prefects and tribunes. Prefects were people that ran the city. Some ran court cases, some ran the vegetable markets, and meat markets on the port. Tribunes were people who spoke for poorer people in the Senate. Tribunes were elected by the Assembly, and they could veto any law the senate made. Lastly, there is the Assembly. They were the people who made big decsions for the counsuls like going to war or not.
What kind of foods Romans ate depeneded on how much money they had. One complicated dish was when you had to stuff a chicken in a duck, duck in the goose, goose in the pig, and the pig stuffed in the cow.
The best museum in town is the National Museum of Rome. The National Museum of Rome, which possesses one of the world's most important archaeological collections, is housed in three different facilities: the Baths of Diocletian, which include the Octagonal Hall, the Palazzo Massimo, and the Palazzo Altemps.The complex restructuring and renovation effort is partially completed, but work is still under way. For this reason, only a portion of the Museum's exhibitions can currently be visited.The historic headquarters of the Museum is the Baths complex built by Diocletian between the last years of the third century A.D. (the dedicatory inscription dated 306 A.D. is conserved in a fragmentary state in the Museum).The building of the Baths, the largest in the ancient world, included many rooms besides the traditional calidarium, tepidarium and frigidarium-which were designed to hold 3,000 people at the same time. There was a natatio or frigidarium for swimmers (large open air swimming pool) and various other rooms, meeting rooms, libraries, nympheums, dressing rooms, concert rooms and rooms for physical exercises.

Hope you will have fun!!! :D
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It's already good enough! It's also very informational!
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